Michelle Stanley is from Birmingham, Ala. She was originally diagnosed with cancer in April 2007 during her very first mammogram. Michelle was newly married and the diagnosis started a journey full of adventures. After discovering that she was pregnant, Michelle underwent a switchup of medical providers. In 2009, Michelle had to undergo chemotherapy and a double mastectomy. After 12 years, in 2020, she experienced a recurrence and it was diagnosed as stage 4. The doctors suspected a spot on her lung was cancerous and it was discovered under her arm, the same side as before. Since that diagnosis, she has undergone chemotherapy, and other routine medical treatments, more recently 30 days of radiation. Michelle has an amazing care team and a loving supportive husband, who has supported her in this journey every step of the way. She has a wonderful daughter who was her motivator even before she was born. Michelle’s sister is her ride-or-die in all things. Most importantly, Michelle serves a God who is bigger than any cancer and who has kept her. She is more than a survivor, she is a conqueror.

Julie Maeseele explores the “labour of love” within a garment. At the core of JM, we believe that you are what you wear. Therefore we focus on producing timeless, durable and sentimental pieces. Julie Maeseele, mom of three, was born and raised in Belgium. After graduating from Luca School of Arts as a Master in fine arts textile designer, she worked with Muslim women for a nonprofit organization, where Maeseele was exposed to a wide variety of cultural textile heritage. Through this interaction, Julie realized the power fashion has to communicate heritage, culture and history; the power fashion has to express to one another our interests, morals and beliefs. Her past work as an independent designer and as a nonprofit designer include modern rugs, shoes and textile installations. Motherhood helped Julie to realize what was important to her in life: fashion. After her first child Gloria was born, Julie dedicated her time to getting trained as a seamstress. Through her training, she discovered her true passion for craftsmanship. In the summer of 2014, Julie Maeseele relocated to the United States with her family. As a new fashion designer in the U.S.,Julie won the Birmingham Fashion Week 2016 Emerging Designer Competition. Wanting to gain more experience and skills she interned with Manuel Cuevas, better known simply as Manuel. Manuel, a fashion star in the Southeast, has made custom designs for notable people such as Lady Gaga, the late Johnny Cash and even James Dean. His spirit and devotion for craftsmanship is what inspired Julie the most to continue paving her own way in the fashion world. After years of training, Julie has turned her passion for making quality garments into a business. However, Julie does not aim to become yet another seasonal fashion designer. The fashion industry has focused too much on producing quantity over quality at the expense of social and environmental costs. Julie hopes to bring attention to the root of the garment itself by using recycled materials and sustainable textiles, as well as giving proper credit to the hardwork seamstresses and textile workers put in.

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